CLOSED – Route Optimization for Meal Kit Production Client


The client is one of the biggest in Europe and North America meal kit company with seven figures in terms of customers globally. Their route planning system needs to be optimized with the objectives below. This has to cover both the European and US markets.

Main objectives to accomplish

  • Vehicle speeds need to be set in such a way that travel times match on average with the example routes given in the distance-time tab (to prevent making an unfair comparison resulted by having the vehicles drive faster or slower)
  • Maximum runtime of planning is 4 hours
  • All orders need to be planned on a vehicle
  • No constraints (volume, delivery timeslots) can be violated
  • Geocoordinates provided in the order data need to be used
  • Traffic data disabled in the run 

How many people would use the solution?

Cross Organizational

What geography will it be focused on?

Europe and US

How soon do you want to start the implementation?

Early 2023

What is your budget range?


Submit your proposal